Marsha Blackburn Will Address Republican National Convention Wednesday


U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is scheduled to address the Republication National Convention Wednesday night.

Blackburn will speak just after 8:40 p.m. Eastern Time and 7:40 p.m. Central Time, said spokeswoman Abbi Sigler.

In her remarks, Blackburn will talk about American everyday heroes, Sigler said.

Blackburn said the following to The Tennessee Star Tuesday, via email:

“It is an honor to once again speak at the Republican National Convention. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Washington liberals want to push our country over the cliff into socialism by implementing the Green New Deal, socialized medicine and stacking the Supreme Court with liberal activist judges,” Blackburn said.

“We can’t afford a Joe Biden presidency, and we must re-elect President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for another four years so we can protect our Christian conservative values and American way of life.”

Sigler did not say if Blackburn would deliver the speech remotely or from North Carolina, the site of the convention.

Blackburn, in an emailed press release this week, said that while “Republicans stand up for our values, Democrats seize opportunity to expand government.”

“There’s an old saying that goes, ‘You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.’ Well, if the past six months are any indication, the same rule applies to conservatives who head to Washington and immediately come under fire for acting like conservatives,” Blackburn said.

“The opposite tends to hold true for Democrats, whose party became nearly unrecognizable as the coronavirus raged through their coastal strongholds, and riots broke out in their Midwestern ones.”

Blackburn went on to say that “the left’s obsession with centralized power, and absolute compliance with its edicts, doesn’t translate in the minds of everyday Americans who lean first on their faith in God, and not on a pile of meaningless regulations.”

“Our beliefs don’t change with the times, or the culture. Instead, they are our foundation,” Blackburn said.

“Radical efforts to suddenly and at times violently upend the founding principles of limited government and individual freedom clash with these ideals, and the people remain deeply suspicious of the true intent behind emergency plays to expand state power.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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3 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn Will Address Republican National Convention Wednesday”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Anyone else tired of seeing her mug on TV? What has she really done for us since being elected?

  2. John

    Empty Suit Blackburn more interested in the spotlight than actually getting some meaningful legislation passed.

    Marsha you can trot out all the arguments against socialized medicine and whatever else. When we all remember when the vote actually counted and you had a real chance to repeal and replace Obamacare, you did nothing. You had 8 freaking years to come up with a replacement and you did nothing…..nothing!

    Go home Marsha. Nobody cares about the words coming out of your mouth.

    1. james bellar

